
A new design for the Poetry Circle Nowhere

Poetry Circle Nowhere is a national platform for poets, spoken word artists and performing writers, and a while ago they asked me to design them a new corporate identity and website with a focus on community. Their current website looks like this:

A screenshot of how  the Crunchyroll website currently looks like.

Next to putting the community in the spotlights, I had free reigns for this project. But before I could start I had to ask myself what does make a community a community? After some thinking, and some google searches, I found the answer: a community is a group of people who share something in common.

A screenshot of how  the Crunchyroll website currently looks like.

What I did

  • So for the community vibe I incorporated their published pictures from their circle sessions (a.k.a. poetry nights) into the new design.
  • I also stepped away from the dark and gloomy vibe the current Poetry Circle website has, and took a few steps towards soft and bright colors for a some fresh and clean air.
  • Used a lot of white space to give the illusion of openness.
  • Put the important links in the navigation. They seemed to have those hidden under the hamburger menu.
  • The Poetry Circle is a fun place, so I added the squiggly lines for a playful look.